One thing about taking someone place at work is that you end up receiving all their emails. Most of the time this is quite annoying as all the newsletters and advertisements your former cohort so graciously gave out their information to are now contacting you for the 50th time this week to tell you about a sale on banners. Then, one night as you are about to go to bed, you check your work email and find
Buy One Get One 50% off all Shoes and Handbags!! Finally all those pesky emails have paid off!
So here at the deetz...
Target is having a great BOGO sale on shoes and handbags. It includes men, women, and children's items in case you need to outfit other members of your family (or if you just need to not feel guilty about buying yourself yet another pair of fabulous shoes). I read the rules and the only items not included are clearance items. But really, who wants to waste a good BOGO on a clearance item?
Don't worry, I sacrificed for you and rounded up the top items I would invest in if I
were planning to participate in said BOGO sale. So, here we go...
This just seems like it would be perfect with jeans on the weekend or with dress pants for the office
I just can't say no to a good leopard flat. I also love that these have just a little heal to dress them up a bit.
I know oxfords are really yesterday's news, but I'm just not over them. I love them with a cute dress or with jeans on the weekends.
I know it's another leopard, but really, can you say no? I don't think so (especially for BOGO, I mean come on it's practically begging you to take them home).
There is something that I LOVE about these. I'm thinking maybe with skinny jeans and a cardigan for the weekend, but depending on where the top of the boot hits, they might look really cute with a dress and tights. Kind-of that opposites attract, feminine vs. masculine vibe.
Are you on board with the new fanny packs? But, I love how they call them Hipzbags instead of fanny packs like we don't know it really is the same thing we all had hated in the '90s.
I am crazy about the structure of this bag. It reminds me of an old medicine bag. I also like that it is grey; such a great alternative to boring black or brown.
So, this is probably bigger than I would normally go for a cross-body bag, but I love the structure. It just seems like the perfect thing to use while perusing a great flee market (or yard sale).
I am in love with this for night time. Someone please where this with a cute dress to a concert!
So, that's it. As you can tell, there are some great contenders for the BOGO purchase. Run, don't walk (as your fav will probably be sold out by the time you get there) to your nearest
Target and get yourself a bargain! While your there, feel free to pick up one for me as well.